The Extended Long Term Security Support
Upgrade when the time is right - Joomla! updates according to your timeline.
The Extended Long Term Security Support (ELTS) program takes the pressure off you to perform a hurried Joomla! update. We offer additional security support for your Joomla! 3 installation until February 17th 2025 for only 90€*.
Sign up nowExtended Long term security support in a nutshell
The most important things at a glance
- We provide users with custom-developed updates and patches for Joomla 3.x, which address security vulnerabilities reported to us for the successor version.
- The update packages are made available to users through an update server.
- User assistance regarding the installation of the respective update package in the user's Joomla 3.x environment.
Not included are:
- General support services unrelated to the provided services
- Development of new features
- Bug fixes in existing Joomla core functions
- Customization of Joomla for software environments that do not meet the technical requirements of Joomla 3.x:
- Adaptation or patching of security vulnerabilities in third-party extensions or other code not included in the Joomla Core.
No, the adaptation to more modern PHP versions is not included in the offer. Please note that this may result in your Joomla! installation having to be operated on the basis of PHP environments that are no longer supported or maintained.
TLDR: Yes!
In order to provide site owners with a way to keep their 3.x site running, the Joomla project decided to set up an Extended Long Term Support (eLTS) program.
As the Joomla project does not want to put the burden of such a program onto the shoulders of its volunteer community, a 3rd party vendor has contracted to run the program.
The contract was won by djumla and itronic, two well established Joomla service providers run by David Jardin, Joomla Security Teamlead, and Harald Leithner, former Production Department Coordinator. So, even though the eLTS program is an official project offer, the actual execution will be performed by the mentioned vendors.
For buyers of multiple licenses, we offer different discount tiers.
Are you interested in purchasing at least 10 licences and availing the discounts? Contact our support team at [email protected]
How it works
Easy Setup- One Click Updates
1 - Get your LTS-License
After purchasing your licence, an individual update link is generated for each page.
2 - Adjust the Joomla! updater configuration
Enter your update link in the configuration of the Joomla! updater component.
3 - One-Click-Updates as easy as before
That’s it. LTS updates can then be installed with just one click via the backend, just like previous "regular" updates.
Enter a custom update URL
Once you have completed the purchase you’ll find the license for the site in the „Licenses“ list.
Within that list you’ll find a column „Update-URL“ and that URL can be used as custom update server for your Joomla site.
In order to do so, adjust the options for the Joomla Update Component (Global Configuration) as shown in the screenshot and use the Update-URL of your license for the „Custom URL“ field of the Joomla Update Component.
- Update Channel: Custom Url
- Minimum Stability: Stable